
This website focuses on South Tyrolean autonomy and the coexistence of the population of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano. The Provincial Museums strive to promote encounters and exchanges and are determined that this should be done in a respectful, appreciative manner. We will therefore only publish contributions following an editorial review so as to identify any discriminatory or defamatory content. When writing comments and posts we thus ask you to observe the general rules of decency and fairness.

We apply the following criteria for editorial approval of comments and contributions:

Remain respectful and polite
Always make sure that your posts are respectful and polite and that you behave towards others as you would wish them to behave towards you. We will not publish posts containing statements that are malicious, racist, sexist, or that glorify violence or extremism, or that condemn or insult entire language groups or other groups.

Keep your comments relevant to the topic
Posts and comments should be clearly related to the topic of autonomy, in South Tyrol or generally.  

Respect other people’s privacy
We will not publish comments that contain personal data, especially if it concerns other people’s data.

Stand by your opinion
The Provincial Museums encourage users to indicate their full name but will also accept only one of the two (e.g. forename only, surname only or forename and initial of last name). Pseudonyms are in principle not permitted.